
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Hello Trenton.
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Hello Trenton.

Viva le Tour de Jersey! Two days, 90 miles, and a layover in the state capital, all on the (t)rusty Ross bike.After a short train ride to New Brunswick, the tour kicked off with a visit to the State University of New Jersey - Rutgers. Gotta admit, I wasn't expecting much, but Rutgers has a really nice campus. In fact, the parts that I visited reminded me of a northeast private school or, dare I say it, an Ivy League school.
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Uncategorized See Uncategorized See

Goals Met

I'd trained for this race for at least 18 months. Cut back on the alcohol. Friday night tempo runs alone. Endured his taunts about being the fastest at PPTC and owning the "benchmark". I took it all in stride. It only lit the fire deeper within me.

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They Start 'em Young Out in Jersey
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

They Start 'em Young Out in Jersey

JUST as I took this picture of Hamilton Park in Jersey City, a kid, he couldn't have been more than about 5 years old, tripped while playing with his friend. As soon as his hand hit the ground, he mustered the loudest "FUCK YOU" that his lungs could handle. The entire park stopped and looked at this kid, even the hiphop kids gathered under the gazebo. He just sat there with a defiant look of fear, unsure of what he just did. I look at the kid and go "I'm not even allowed to say that". I look over at his dad and he just kinda smiles and throws up his arms like "what's a guy to do"?

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West Indian Day Parade

Every year I've avoided this parade, but this year was different. Rusty and I ventured out just long enough to eat some corn and wear out our patience for reggae music (the only thing worse is jazz). The colors were unbelievable though. And it's so BIG! But really guys... what's with the violence? Every year... c'mon y'all!

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Sculpturally Speaking

Sculpturally Speaking

The Noguchi Museum. Floored.

Confronted with a room full of large rocks when I entered, I was determined to not treat this with the same level of indifference I do with most sculpture (I paid $10 to see this!).Walking through the gallery, the formless took on form and character. Each piece became something completely different with each new angle. Within one sculpture, I would see five different works. Unbelievable.

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Heaven, Hell, or Hoboken!
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Heaven, Hell, or Hoboken!

After living in this city for 5.5 years, I finally scoured up the requisite $2.50 for a PATH ticket ($5 round-trip), and made my way out to Hoboken. It's a six minute ride with the train, but something about it seemed so far away! It's a whole state away in fact. Two rivers!!!

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Summer in the City: Getting Out!
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Summer in the City: Getting Out!

The only thing better than a summer in the City is getting out of the City for the summer. Mike and I did just that: hitched our bikes to a ZipCar hatchback and drove out to the Catskills.It was one of those nasty, swampy, 95 degree days when we left New York. By the time we got to Phoenicia, the wind was breezing through the mountain passes, creating a perfect day for a ride.

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