Restoration 10K: That Bed Stuy Brooklyn Badass Feel

35:51 10K and a top-ten finish. Not a bad day on the streets of Brooklyn!

The Bed Stuy Restoration 10K lived up to Rusty's advance billing: very fun. There was even a bit of ironic joy in the post-race puking. Just a bit though.

The race took off down the slight downhill of Bedford giving an expansive view of empty streets, red traffic lights, and the tips of Manhattan in the distance. A Sunday morning quiet hung over the course, with small but entertaining crowd support. The lady cheering us on from her 4th floor apartment building was a favorite.

Rusty and I took it stride for stride at a fairly quick pace from the start. By the 5th mile, the heavy plodding of Keith's feet could be heard behind us. Keith punished it that last mile, Rusty dropping off shortly after the 5 mile mark; I made it another half mile before being left in a race with the top two female runners. One of the Kenyan-born Bronxites beat me in the sprint, but my time beat hers. Shout out to electronic timing!

The weather held off long enough to revel in the feeling that comes with pushing your body to extremes. The Prospect Park Track Club was out in full effect: Rusty and Pauline, Keith, Pete Wagner, Michael Ring, and all those other red jerseys that go with names and faces I don't recognize. We made our way to the post-race celebrations. Bed Stuy was representing strong: DJs, shout outs, props, and a shirtless guy dancing and dousing himself in baby lotion. I sat down and took it all in. It was so Brooklyn. So real. So home.

I walked away with a ridiculously tall trophy that afternoon. I haven't won a trophy in about 15 years. Holly texted and said "I bet you felt like a badass walking through Bed Stuy with that trophy". I responded, "I always feel like a badass walking through Bed Stuy."

Now what am I supposed to do with a two foot tall trophy?!


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