Goals Met

I did it. Finally. I beat Rusty head to head. Finally.

I'd trained for this race for at least 18 months. Cut back on the alcohol. Friday night tempo runs alone. Endured his taunts about being the fastest at PPTC and owning the "benchmark". I took it all in stride. It only lit the fire deeper within me.

Bed Stuy Restoration 10K - 35:51 and a top-ten overall finish.

My goal going into the race was simple; beat Rusty. Stick with him stride for stride, bury him in the final mile, then puke at the finish. Mission accomplished.

Looking back, could I have run a smarter race, I could have cut a few more seconds off my time by running smarter and finishing stronger. But that wasn't my goal. My goal was to beat Rusty.

I now own the 5K (17:01), 10K (35:51), and head-to-head match-ups. He'll be back at me soon though. He's prideful. And I can still cut my time too.

But for this afternoon... it felt good. Really good. I had quite the smile on my face.


Maine-stay in Vacationland!


Restoration 10K: That Bed Stuy Brooklyn Badass Feel