Summer in the City: Getting Out!

More photos here.

The only thing better than a summer in the City is getting out of the City for the summer. Mike and I did just that: hitched our bikes to a ZipCar hatchback and drove out to the Catskills.It was one of those nasty, swampy, 95 degree days when we left New York. By the time we got to Phoenicia, the wind was breezing through the mountain passes, creating a perfect day for a ride.

The rides were smooth, along creeks and mountain valleys. Elevation changes were minimal (considering what could have been); up to the Woodland Valley campsite, then back down along the Ashokan Reservoir. All just two hours outside the City!

Thankfully, my NEW bike was up for it. That's right, after years(!) of talking about getting a new bike, I finally pulled the trigger. I managed to trade in that old yellow pile of rust for $50, and bucked up on a bike with working brakes, gears, and (functional) kickstand. There was a certain emotional attachment to the yellow beast, but that passed quickly after a couple of cruises on my "sleeper".

Between the rides, Mike and I explored the mountain village of Phoenicia, then carried on for a swim at Peekamouse Blue Hole. Sidetracked at Snyders Bar by a High Jack, Genny Cream Ale, and the best jukebox this side of the Patriot, we unfortunately didn't get in our swim. City life, and the return of our ZipCar, was calling. We'll be back though. I'm sure we'll need to get out of the City again soon enough.

Check out more pictures from the afternoon.


Heaven, Hell, or Hoboken!


Dark was the Night, Cold was the Ground