
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Croatian Celebrations!
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Croatian Celebrations!

The European Championship is held in Europe, but outside of the host country, it can only really be celebrated in New York. Where else could you find an Irish bar, a Croatian bar, and a Spanish bar all within a three block radius? Each with enough cultural gusto to drown out the slightest sense of English. Since the first kick-off on June 8, the celebrations have been boozy and ethnic; all of them international trips via the subway.

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2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See


"What's a man without any goals?" That was a challenge Coach Simpson made to us in high school. Like so much he taught us, he wasn't talking about just running.

He would also tell us "the hardest part of a run is getting off the couch." Having an accountability partner, that someone to get you headed in the direction of your goals, can be huge.

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Russian Mafiosos
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Russian Mafiosos

Mikhail Fridman, along with his co-conspirator Peter Aven, robbed the Russian people blind in the years following peristroika and glasnost. Through deception, coercion, and shrewd insider deals, they amassed one of the largest business conglomorates in the world. The recent $6.15 billion deal with BP helped pad the pockets of one of the richest of the Russian Oligarchs; Fridman is now worth an estimated $5.6 billion.

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2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

The Jam

A good day involves coming home to a mailbox stuffed with the original Godzilla movie on DVD. A kick ass day is coming home to a mailbox stuffed with three Godzilla movies (Godzilla, Godzilla’s Revenge, Godzilla vs. Megalon). Color my day kick ass-tic.

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