The International Cocktail

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San Francisco. Dresden. Tennessee. Belgium. Texas. Brooklyn.

Mix well, serve over ice, and you're looking at one heckuva weekend.

Max finally made it up to Brooklyn after spending half a year working in Tennessee. We decided to coordinate a rendezvous with Rainer, a friend of ours from Dresden whom neither of us had seen for... well... probably since I left Dresden. Dewalt happened to be passing through that weekend as well. Not enough excitement for you? Welcome Laurens, our new roommate from Belgium. Needless to say, beverages were consumed.

The first night featured a personalized Dynamo Dresden jersey, quite possibly the greatest gift anyone could imagine. Beers were consumed, enough so that nipples were shown. Don't ask.

The next day started with a walk through the neighborhood, then a trip up to 5Pointz in Long Island City. I'd forgotten just how similar the feel of it was to Tacheles. Sadly they may soon share the same fate as well.

The adventurous soul in Max noted that he'd visited four of the City's five boroughs. Only the Bronx had escaped him. Until now. So we packed up, got on the train, and headed north. The walk down Grand Concourse reminded us all of the East European boulevards of public housing. The Bronx had burned and palaces for the people had gone in their place. Blighted, though not uncomfortable, we took in the sights until finally reaching Yankee Stadium.

A quick walk over to Stan's brought us cold beers and Madonna fans. She was playing a concert at Yankee Stadium that evening and we would hopefully be leaving the area just as the concert was set to begin, not without first adorning ourselves with fake tattoos.

Our final evening kicked off with some of the City's best pizza, as far as I'm concerned: John's on Bleecker. The boys were impressed. Drinks through the West Village followed, including a comedy show. I know... I would think the same thing. The price was right though (free!).

A few stumbles through the streets later, including an intense pull-up competition, brought us to a round of Jagermeister shots at Spring Street Lounge. Let's just say I've made worse decisions in my life.

The whirlwind of a weekend left me broke, tired, hungover, and extremely proud to have such friends in my life. It all came together with such force! Awesome.


Restoration 10K: That Bed Stuy Brooklyn Badass Feel

