
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See


"What's a man without any goals?" That was a challenge Coach Simpson made to us in high school. Like so much he taught us, he wasn't talking about just running.

He would also tell us "the hardest part of a run is getting off the couch." Having an accountability partner, that someone to get you headed in the direction of your goals, can be huge.

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Russian Mafiosos
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Russian Mafiosos

Mikhail Fridman, along with his co-conspirator Peter Aven, robbed the Russian people blind in the years following peristroika and glasnost. Through deception, coercion, and shrewd insider deals, they amassed one of the largest business conglomorates in the world. The recent $6.15 billion deal with BP helped pad the pockets of one of the richest of the Russian Oligarchs; Fridman is now worth an estimated $5.6 billion.

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2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

The Jam

A good day involves coming home to a mailbox stuffed with the original Godzilla movie on DVD. A kick ass day is coming home to a mailbox stuffed with three Godzilla movies (Godzilla, Godzilla’s Revenge, Godzilla vs. Megalon). Color my day kick ass-tic.

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2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Friends of Eric Volz

Eric Volz persued a successful Ex-Pat career in Nicaragua.

A few months ago, his girlfriend was found murdered. The government prosecuted him in a show trial of anti-Americanisms and wrongly convicted him of first degree rape and murder.

Eric Volz now survives day-to-day brushes with death in a maximum security Nicaraguan prison.

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2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Everybody: Do this

Chris Peters’ Band Household Names will be featured on tonite’s ABC show “What About Brian?”. You all need to watch this. Go into it knowing this isn’t some 10 second sound bite: this is a full 2 minute feature of their soon-to-be hit song: Only One.

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Happy Daylights Savings Day
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Happy Daylights Savings Day

Is this the reminder you needed to finally get your clocks re-set? Just because I’m reminding you to reset your clocks, don’t let that fool you into thinking I actually know what time it is. Some of my clocks set themselves without my interference, others needed a little kick to the pants to get things going in high gear again. Now the problem is I don’t remember which clocks I’ve reset, which clocks my roomates have reset (if any), and which clocks set themselves. Damn this high technology. My cellphone (Sprint — Sanyo — not exactly high technology I suppose) needed the entire morning to figure out that daylights saving was 12 hours ago, and as I mentioned above, I’m still not 100% sure which clock is right (if any actually are).

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New York City is dirty. It’s the rats. I can’t get over the rats. I stand there in the underground, waiting on a train, and without fail a rat will peek his head out and scurry amongst the trash in the tracks. I saw some old man actually feeding a rat the other day. I was beside myself. “Listen man, if you want to die of some Middle Ages disease, that’s your own thing. Bring the rats home with you and let them feast on Plague. But me personally, I kinda dig the whole ‘living in the 21st century’ aspect of my life. That means no Plague. So don’t go around feeding your rats here.”

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2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Is it ok to actually enjoy your job?

So is it? I’m not saying I wake up every morning and think to myself: man, I wish the train ride to the city didn’t take so long. I want to be in that office right now. No no… I enjoy the weekends just as much as the next guy (and sometimes a little bit more) but I don’t mind the work. Of course, as my roomate reminded me, I have only been on the job for about a month though.

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