Happy Daylights Savings Day

Is this the reminder you needed to finally get your clocks re-set? Just because I’m reminding you to reset your clocks, don’t let that fool you into thinking I actually know what time it is. Some of my clocks set themselves without my interference, others needed a little kick to the pants to get things going in high gear again. Now the problem is I don’t remember which clocks I’ve reset, which clocks my roomates have reset (if any), and which clocks set themselves. Damn this high technology. My cellphone (Sprint — Sanyo — not exactly high technology I suppose) needed the entire morning to figure out that daylights saving was 12 hours ago, and as I mentioned above, I’m still not 100% sure which clock is right (if any actually are).

It’s amazing how technologically dependent we’ve grown, and my big question is: what have we gained from it? Was it really too much to manually set our clocks back before global positioning crowned itself king in the cell phone trade? Wouldn’t it be nice to gain some sense of control again, allowing us to laugh at our bedroom clocks which were never re-adjusted — it always seemed much easier to do the math and convert that into the alarm clock time — instead of having to double-guess the genius that is Bill Gates?

I love daylights savings time though. I’ll be out in the city till dusk tomorrow!


Everybody: Do this


Remember the Alamo!!!