
New York City is dirty. It’s the rats. I can’t get over the rats. I stand there in the underground, waiting on a train, and without fail a rat will peek his head out and scurry amongst the trash in the tracks. I saw some old man actually feeding a rat the other day. I was beside myself. “Listen man, if you want to die of some Middle Ages disease, that’s your own thing. Bring the rats home with you and let them feast on Plague. But me personally, I kinda dig the whole ‘living in the 21st century’ aspect of my life. That means no Plague. So don’t go around feeding your rats here.”

I didn’t really say that. I didn’t even think about saying it until now. It makes for a good story though.

Theres trash hanging from the trees out our front door. It looks as if flood waters rushed down and left their residue for all to acknowledge in wonder - “The water came this high”. It didn’t though. Snow drifts didn’t even make it half as high. The trash is still out there though. I see it as a positive thing: it keeps my rent lower.

I put quite a bit of work into beautifying the innards of our apartment this weekend though. I secured the loft / bed, built a little shelf, and crooned old Willie Nelson songs while doing it (much to the delight of my roomates and neighbors). What is it about working with tools that feels so good? Maybe that’s just the testosterone speaking but it’s the dadgum truth.

Next up is the bathroom. I’m gonna bleach it. Then paint it. I’m not sure when I’ll get around to fixing up the city though. Maybe it’s better that way - dirty. How else should New York be?


Remember the Alamo!!!


Is it ok to actually enjoy your job?