Music: Beasties.

Weather: For mid-June, we'll take it.

"What's a man without any goals?" That was a challenge Coach Simpson made to us in high school. Like so much he taught us, he wasn't talking about just running.

He would also tell us "the hardest part of a run is getting off the couch." Having an accountability partner, that someone to get you headed in the direction of your goals, can be huge.

I hate to break it to you this way, but you're now my accountability partner. You're going to help me meet my modest summer goals. Here are some of the ideas that have recently been rooting around in my heart.

Goal #1: Journal/Pictures

>> Notice(!) things when they happen!

>> At least journal three entries per week.

>> At least one public journal entry per week.

>> Take more pictures!

Goal #2: Running

>> Non-race week: 50 mile weeks

>> Race-week: 40 mile weeks

>> 5K: 16:50

Goal #3: Book Gang

>> Keep it going! I'm looking at you Kaner, Schott, and Carole. Seriously! A nice, intellectual evening can be so hard to find. What book is next?!

Goal #4: Music

>> Get to the point where I am playing semi-regularly in front of people. Dan, Mondays at 8:00pm. Let's start June 25. Bishop, we'll probably pull you in when we're feeling a bit more comfortable.

Goal #5: Travel

>> 4th of July in Sheboygan. I really want/need to make this happen. I'll keep you posted.

>> Visit with Gigi in San Angelo.

>> Bike/hike trips (notice the plural) to the Catskills. Day-trips are fine, but overnights are better. Schott, you got your bike ready? I just got a brand-new used bike and I'm ready to take her out!

>> Bike the South County Trailway to the Captain Lawrence Brewery

>> Day-trip through Bay Ridge

>> Day-trip to Jersey City

>> Day trip to Hoboken (with a show at Maxwell's)

And there they are! Modest is obviously the key word, at least for these, but we've got to start somewhere! Now keep the pressure on to help me see them through to fruition.


Sweet Lullaby


George Washington - Abraham Lincoln - Hulk Hogan - Real Americans