Russian Mafiosos

Mikhail Fridman, along with his co-conspirator Peter Aven, robbed the Russian people blind in the years following peristroika and glasnost. Through deception, coercion, and shrewd insider deals, they amassed one of the largest business conglomorates in the world. The recent $6.15 billion deal with BP helped pad the pockets of one of the richest of the Russian Oligarchs; Fridman is now worth an estimated $5.6 billion.

He was in New York with our organization this past weekend for a glitzy dinner. We celebrated the man as if he were a celebrity. His Alfa Consortium funds the program I currently work for. It’s a PR stunt to induce Western investment. I think it might be working. I don’t ask questions though. I just set up the events.

Stress would be one of the first words I would use to describe the preparations. Everything had to be perfect. Ambassadors would be attending. Simply calling them by their correct titles was enough to drive me mad.

The Oligarchs arrived with their bodyguards. The bodyguards were not going to be allowed in however. The German security guards didn’t care how rich these men were: weapons and bodyguards were not to be allowed in the building. And so it was.

The evening went off without a hitch. The 67 guests had a lovely time. Fridman gave a 15 minute speech in Russian and I got to polish and pack his plaque for him. The whole time wondering, well, how did I get here?

I give Fridman a hard time because… well, I think the grounds are there. However this program truly is a special program, allowing 10 Fellows every year to live out their dreams. The next group is set to leave this coming month!


The Germans Know...


The Jam