
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

2004-2005: Dresden See 2004-2005: Dresden See


MännerTag. That translates into Men's Day. Day of Men. Which, all in all, translates into drunkenness and idiocy. I love it. It happened on Thursday. A real life holiday. No school. No work. Just a bunch of men get together and drink beer and yell and wrestle and eat meat and fight and drink some more beer until they finally pass out.

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2004-2005: Dresden See 2004-2005: Dresden See

Another Goodbye

Another goodbye this weekend. It had been looming in the distance for a while now. I tried to avoid it as best I could but some obstacles are insurmountable. It's just the way it seems it has to be. I look back on all the things we did together and I just have to smile.

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2004-2005: Dresden See 2004-2005: Dresden See


I answered the summons to appear at the Customs Office with dread, knowing that nothing in Germany can ever be easy. I entered the room and was presented my package. This tall goofy German guy was the one I'd be answering to. He insisted on speaking English, despite his constant flaws.

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2004-2005: Dresden See 2004-2005: Dresden See

my bad

If anybody ever tries to tell you that doing translations is easy/fun/insert positive adj here, don't listen to them. It's a trap that will keep you stuck in front of a computer for hours on end.

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3 Days -- 3 Döner
2004-2005: Dresden See 2004-2005: Dresden See

3 Days -- 3 Döner

That’s right ladies. I’ve completed the hat trick. Jan and Hilmar also took part in the Döner challenge. My body will never forgive me for the punishment I’ve just put it through, but what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. And I haven’t died from döner poisoning yet.

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Look for me in the Whirlwind
2004-2005: Dresden See 2004-2005: Dresden See

Look for me in the Whirlwind

Three weeks of a whirlwindtour across Europe have finally come to a close. Three weeks of damage to the liver. Three weeks of damage to the pocketbook. Three weeks that were desperately needed to get everything straight, to reawaken my senses and get me going in the right direction again.

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2004-2005: Dresden See 2004-2005: Dresden See


Last night I took Tomi to the bus station. All day long it snowed, the heaviest snow all year. There was the chance that he would be able to spend one last night in Dresden, one last night at the Gutz, one last night of “maybe a beer or two…” We waited in the snow for two hours. That freezing unforgiving cold.

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2004-2005: Dresden See 2004-2005: Dresden See

I can't believe he said it either...

“You know, yesterday I was asked about the U.S. position, and I said all options are on the table,” Mr. Bush said, referring to comments he made at the European Union in Brussels, and which he has made repeatedly to emphasize that he never rules out the possibility of a military attack. “That’s part of our position. But I also reminded people that diplomacy is just beginning. Iran is not Iraq.”

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Nazis for Valentine's Day
2004-2005: Dresden See 2004-2005: Dresden See

Nazis for Valentine's Day

Exactly. I can’t believe there are still Nazis around either. You’d think after losing a World War and a couple of Olympic games (Jesse Owens rocked your face Hitler) the people would get the idea that Nazis suck. Well, apparently 5000 people haven’t and they made sure to voice their opinion on the 13. February by marching through Dresden.

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