That’s right ladies. Superbowl! One of the greatest spectacles in the history of mankind. And yours truly managed to make a party of it even here in cold, grey, (real) football deprived Dresden.

We kicked things off with a SuperBowl party in our flat. Maybe about 12 of us, the 4 Amis I know and a handful of other multi-kulti kids who could never fully grasp the importance of the game. I cooked up some hamburgers and for some, it was their first hamburger. Ever. What a crazy mixedup world we live in!!! The burger was that greasy, juicy kind you get at a joint on the side of the road. After a mini-concert on my guitar from one of our distinguished guests, we made our way into the Neustadt, football in hand, wrestling the entire way there.

In the heart of Dresden’s Neustadt sits a bar catering to American sports (only profi, no college) and it was packed with people watching the game. Mind you now, this is sometime around midnight that the kickoff finally got into the air (which we missed with our attention focused on the football and beer currently at hand). The bar was eerily quiet though, I’m not sure how much the Germans understand the game (my bet would be none at all). We were loud and rowdy though, whipping out my flask of vodka at opportune times, as I explained to my German compatriots that everyone HAS to sneak a flask of alcohol into a football game. It’s American culture. And remember, part of my job requirement is “spreading American culture”. I take my job seriously and like to think I do a good job.

The game went about as you’d expect. Few could really remember the Fourth Quarter. I made sure to dance the Atlanta Falcons Dirty Bird after every Philly score because when you’re in Germany, one dirty bird is just as good as the next. They’ll never know the difference. The commercials were shown sparringly since commercials are not included in pay-tv, however they managed to throw in a few for our entertainment. I finally got into bed around 5.30, somewhat disappointed with the Eagles loss (I was rooting for you Prach) but still revelling in the glow of SuperBowl glory.


Nazis for Valentine's Day


My arse hurts