My arse hurts

I went snowboarding for the first time the other day. Just outside of Dresden there are several small runs filled with snow and people who can snowboard a lot better than I can.

I met up with a friend of mine who happened to have an extra board I could borrow. We hit the hill, he immediately going to the top, relegating me to the beginner’s slope. It was going to be the sink or swim method to start things off.

I’d be willing to say that if we were on the slopes for 5 hours, 4 of those hours were spent in agonizing pain, writhing in a heap of snow cursing that damn snowboard. The other hour was me carrying that damn snowboard back up the hill (the beginners slope had no lift). Up and down, Up and down, I kept punishing myself.

Towards the end of the day I started to catch on (you turn with your BODY, not the legs) but it still didn’t keep my clothes dry. I had fun though, I must say. The next time I’m out there I’ll be ripping it up. Promise. If my body can hold out that long…




Snow (part II)