
Weather: 17 Degrees. Cloudy

CD: Steve Earle

I just dropped 45 Euro to pick up my birthday present. For some reason I had to pay taxes on it. Damn German Beaurocracy. First time I ever had to pay for my own birthday present.

I answered the summons to appear at the Customs Office with dread, knowing that nothing in Germany can ever be easy. I entered the room and was presented my package. This tall goofy German guy was the one I'd be answering to. He insisted on speaking English, despite his constant flaws. "What's in the box?" he asked me. Well, I'm gonna have to say you know about as much as I do. It was a package from my parents. Inside were a couple of wrapped packages, a container of salsa and some taco mix packets. "It's your birthday, yes? Happy Birthday. What is this salsa? Is it like katchup? It looks a bit like katchup." Whoa... what? Who is this guy and why am I spending my birthday with him? Why don't you come over and I'll cook for you while were talking about it. Then you can taste that salsa.

"So, you owe us 45.75 Euro." How can that be? I just started laughing. As it turns out, any packages with a worth of more than 45 Euros have to be declared and a tax applied to them. Inside my package was a Digital Camera. Those things are not cheap. I couldn't believe I had to pay that much money so I actually took the calculator out of his hand, did the math, and came up with an even higher number. I agreed to pay the 45 Euro.

As I handed him my money, I mumbled "This friggin sucks".

"Yes, yes, it does suck" my friendly tax collector told me.

I took my box and went home. I couldn't help but smile however.

As for the birthday, it was a very nice day. Nothing crazy but plenty of little surprises along the way that really made it special. Shout out to all yall who helped me ring in my 24th year! Thanks!


Another Goodbye


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