I'll say never again, but....

Weather: 21 Degrees, Sunny, I'm going for a bike ride tomorrow...

CD: Rolling Stones - Out of Our Heads

We've all been there. That personal low-point. That moment where you reach rock-bottom, you look around, embarrased, hoping nobody was looking. It happened to me on Sunday night. We were on our way to the Hives concert (I know, I haven't listened to their CD in about two years either but they were here and I was here so I figured why not. They put on a really good show too, very entertaining. It's obvious they don't take themselves seriously. Everybody else does though. It's a shame too, because I think I'd enjoy them alot more if alot less people took them seriously. Does that reflect poorly on me? Ahhh... but I digress) and I wanted to get a nice buzz before everything got going. Problem: no beer. No money to buy beer. Heck, I was at the grocery store buying a singular potatoe the night before with the change in my penny jar. Poverty can often lead to trouble. I found a bottle of some cheap, fruity alcohlol-wine-"refresher" in the back of of the top shelf of our kitchen. I drink beer. I don't drink fruity girl drinks. Especially not fruity girl drinks that are so bad that even the girls don't drink them (alcohol does not stick around long in our apartment and this bottle had been there for over 4 months. That should be an indicator of what we are dealing with here). I kicked it back. Then tried to force my roomate to enjoy a bit (he refused) and finished it off. Alcohol is alcohol right? Well, it did to the trick, I'll give it that. It also tricked me up the next day. Hangovers suck. Especially hangovers caused by cheap fruity girl drinks.

So no money. The loopy, half-minded man I call my boss, Mr. Sucker (and yes, that really is his name), forgot to put money in our accounts, leaving me with a shrinking belly and a bored liver. I don t ask for much. Money is one of those things however. I got paid on Tuesday however, after threatening a boycott.

And the translation has been completed. It absolutely paralyzed me for about five days, but it's done. Which explains my concommunicativeness recently. Sorry to all involved. I promise I won't try to scrounge up extra money when it actually involves work again. And Happy Birthday to my sister.


I thought this thing was supposed to be free...


my bad