
Weather:4 Degrees, Clouds, Rain, Sun, Clouds, Hail, Sun, Wind, Wind, Clouds, Rain, Wind, Sun, Clouds... SCHEIß-COLD!

CD: Toadies - Rubberneck (An "Oldie" if you will...)

MännerTag. That translates into Men's Day. Day of Men. Which, all in all, translates into drunkenness and idiocy. I love it. It happened on Thursday. A real life holiday. No school. No work. Just a bunch of men get together and drink beer and yell and wrestle and eat meat and fight and drink some more beer until they finally pass out. Somebody contact the local Hallmark representative in America. I think this holiday has a good chance of catching on big.

My Männertag began in Zittau. Wednesday was the usual day of teaching there. That night however, was the Middle Ages Spectacular. It was about what you'd expect. Firebreathers and dragon-slayers and meat on sticks and beer. And... beer. I had a great time making the rounds with some student-friends. And never underestimate the entertainment value of Zittau. We were out till at least 3.00 and surpisingly, the small club scene had a great vibe to offer. A better indie scene than I've found in Dresden. Which should tell you a number of things...

After waking up on my students couch sometime around 9.00, I caught the next train out and shared it with men drinking and kids still hungover from the night before. I missed the morning/afternoon portions of MännerTag, which, depending on who you talk to, can be either a good or a bad thing. I got out in time to see the aftermath. Broken bottles. Yelling. And at least 5 people passed out whereever they could find a spot. God bless Germany!

The day was also the illustrious Cinco de Mayo: an entire day dedicated to margaritas and nachos. I met up with mi Spanish amigos who couldn't understand why I was speaking broken gringo spanish to them. "It's Cinco de Mayo" I told them. "Yeah, and tomorrow's Seis de Mayo. What's your point?". I tried to explain the glory of it all to them but failed miserably. I didn't fail when it came to talking them into drinking a margarita with me. VIVA LOS GRINGOS!


Kicking Ass and Taking Names


Another Goodbye