Back in the Saddle

Weather: 21 Degrees/Not a cloud in the sky

CD: Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights

ESPN.COM reports that Chad Robertson has officially announced his unretirement from his unofficial retirement from the sport of running. "Ladies, I'm back", he was reported as saying.

He capped off a 15 month break from the action with a 25 minute jog through the Dredner Heide at a nice, easy pace last Saturday. The grey and wet weather reminded him of days past when African American teamate Sam "the jam" Jackson would refuse to jump big-jump-gorge because "he didn't want to get dirty", while Crazy Mexican American Teamate Kris Cuellar threatened to steal his pants. Anglo American teamate Matt "D" Dewalt would then hit somebody with an elbow.

When asked what prompted his latest return to the sport, Robertson simply took a sip from the liter of beer he milked throughout the press confrence and replied "why not?".

Apparently the shoes he was able to buy in the days leading up to the comeback also played a role in his return. They were on sale for 90€. Which is still a rip compared to the $75 he once paid in the states (that's like 60 Euro!!!), but way cheaper than the 125€ of the original asking price for the shoes. And he didn't even have to go to the Czech Republic to buy them (where Adidas have four stripes. Because four is better than three).

Robertson plans on representing Texas in the upcoming Dresden half-marathon, in which he guarantees a new PR (he has never run a half marathon before). He also hopes to win several bets with other running-accomplices competing in the gruelling race. All losers will buy the winner a beer DIRECTLY after the event (none of this water pansiness), and as Robertson commented, "nothing makes me happier than drinking beer on other people's tabs".


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