So sehen Sieger aus, Sha-la-la-la-la!!!

Well, this is what winners look like post-Germany vs Denmark at least. Let's not bring Italy into the conversation. Or Spain. But why concentrate on the negatives when there were so many celebrations!

Hurricane Jeff blew through town as a Category 5 storm just in time for Euro 2012. The Germany game was obviously circled on our calendar, but we couldn't decide the best place to watch. Zum Schneider won out, unfortunately only in thought. When we arrived, the line was half a block long to get in (and there weren't that many people coming out).

Alternate plan: boogie on down to the old stand-by Loreley. Three fellow Germany fans in line cut out with us. Another couple of blocks down the road, we came across another group decked out in Germany gear. After explaining the situation, they joined the pied piper vuvuzala parade through the Lower East Side

"Just a couple more minutes," I'd say. Of course, the walk was only supposed to be "about 10 minutes" and "just up around the corner". Whatever, consider it a free tour! We got in before kick-off! Just enough time to grab a Kranz of Koelsch and grab a spot upstairs.

Everyone, the Germans, Jeff, were impressed with the atmosphere. And the beer! They kept taking pictures of the Stangen. We shared more beers, more stories, a 2:1 victory, and I got to practice my German. You can't go home after an afternoon like that! So we kept it going over at Spring Lounge. Beers turned into shots and suddenly it was as if I had never left Germany.

We grabbed some group pictures, then carried on into the still victorious night. They said they were going to email me some of those pictures. I'm still waiting. If you're out there, send them this way!

Well, this is what winners look like post-Germany vs Denmark at least. Let's not bring Italy into the conversation. Or Spain. But why concentrate on the negatives when there were so many celebrations!Hurricane Jeff blew through town as a Category 5 storm just in time for Euro 2012. The Germany game was obviously circled on our calendar, but we couldn't decide the best place to watch. Zum Schneider won out, unfortunately only in thought. When we arrived, the line was half a block long to get in (and there weren't that many people coming out).Alternate plan: boogie on down to the old stand-by Loreley. Three fellow Germany fans in line cut out with us. Another couple of blocks down the road, we came across another group decked out in Germany gear. After explaining the situation, they joined the pied piper vuvuzala parade through the Lower East Side"Just a couple more minutes," I'd say. Of course, the walk was only supposed to be "about 10 minutes" and "just up around the corner". Whatever, consider it a free tour! We got in before kick-off! Just enough time to grab a Kranz of Koelsch and grab a spot upstairs.Everyone, the Germans, Jeff, were impressed with the atmosphere. And the beer! They kept taking pictures of the Stangen. We shared more beers, more stories, a 2:1 victory, and I got to practice my German. You can't go home after an afternoon like that! So we kept it going over at Spring Lounge. Beers turned into shots and suddenly it was as if I had never left Germany.We grabbed some group pictures, then carried on into the still victorious night. They said they were going to email me some of those pictures. I'm still waiting. If you're out there, send them this way!


Sun-kissed Rain over Brooklyn


Croatian Celebrations!