Summer in the City: Live Music Capital of the World

Bold statement, I know. Especially considering some of the people who are reading this. But when it comes to music, summers in New York just can't be beat. Honestly. SummerStage, Celebrate Brooklyn, River to River... and they're all free!

Last week, I ran into Manhattan for that week's music fix. George Clinton and Parliament were playing Rockefeller Park on the Hudson. I was a sweaty mess by the time I got there, and tried to cool down during the opening band's set. As luck would have it, I ran into Justin, Christian, and their group and found out I was at the wrong stage all-together! I needed to get another couple of piers down! Which I did. And thought of Dreher and his post-game Texas v Tech game where funkadelic reigned supreme (was that really 10 years ago!?).

After bringing the boogie, I made my way back to the other pier where Neko Case was just kicking off her set. Towering above us was World Trade One. As a single, I was invited to sit in the seats near the stage (15th row!). Neko worked her way through a set that included busted amps and busted guitars, but that voice still had me captivated. After the show, I enjoyed one of those perfect summer night runs over the Brooklyn Bridge.

The night before, Buddy Guy had rocked that same stage as part of the Lowdown Hudson Blues Fest. I was bummed to have not seen it, but there was no way I was going to miss seeing the New York Philharmonic in Prospect Park! Fireworks to follow!


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