
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Kölle Alaaf!!!
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Kölle Alaaf!!!

"Out of control". That’s how the tour book described the mayhem of Karneval in Köln. It was more than enough to pique my interests and I found myself in the middle of the madness after a 6.5 hour hitchhiking ride with the Speaker to the Press for the Berlin faction of the FDP political party.

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Talk to Me
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Talk to Me

Yes, the ball was marvelous darling, thank you for asking… That old thing? That suit was just something I had lying around but yes, I was thinking I was looking pretty good in it myself. I got myself primped up in the room, told the guy in the mirror that he was a pretty good looking guy, then ran downstairs to find that everyone else was wearing tuxedos… Well, what could I do?

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See


Stumbled out of bed for a teaching gig early in the morning, stumbled back into bed immediately following the short gig, and tried my best to not leave its warm confines until now. I’ve been fairly successful in my attempts and have savored every minute of the re-coop time.

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See


Things have been rocking and rolling and bumping and jumping ever since I made it back to Berlin topped off by a visit from Bret and Lee, one guy I didn’t know, the other I knew in passing, and they have really kept things going non-stop. They originally planned to stick around for about 3 days as they traversed Europe… one thing lead to another and they’re still here

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I have given up paying for football tickets.
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

I have given up paying for football tickets.

Chance called me on the 30th of December, the night before we planned to set out. His car wasn’t going to make it, neither was his fiancee, but that wasn’t going to slow us down in the least bit. It was just going to be us, a rental car and a considerable less amount of money in my wallet headed for Pasadena, California, as we were joining the University of Texas Longhorns in their quest for a national championship in the Rose Bowl.

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Still Stay-ing the Course

The American Academy offered me a dream job on Monday. After a short interview, I was offered a position that would include heavy involvement in the organizing of Sandy Baker’s visit to Germany. Had I applied for the job a couple of months ago, I would have taken care of Condoleeza Rice’s itenerary while she was in Berlin. I was unable to accept the position however. It would seem as if the German government views me (an immigrant) as a threat to the German work-force and thus did not authorize the proper papers for me to work at the American Academy.

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A Slave to the Man
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

A Slave to the Man

In other news, a bomb was found on Berlin’s main boulevard Unter den Linden yesterday. It wasn’t more than 3 meters behind the statue of Friedrich the Great which marks access into the formal royal grounds of the city. No terrorists involved in this scheme though. Construction workers uncovered an unexploded 500-pound bomb the Tommys dropped on the city a little more than 60 years ago.  It was detonated in a controlled explosion and life continued at its normal pace. The intriguing things from my view was the non-chalance involved in the public’s reaction. From what I can gather is this happens about every 6 months or so. Just not normally in the heart of a city. I hate nazis.

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

From the country that brought you Friedrich Nietzsche:

First there are trees silhouetted against a pastoral horizon; then a distinguished-looking elderly lady appears on screen looking you right in the eye as she says, “You are Germany’s miracle.”

From then on, as this slickly produced spot broadcast on German television continues, a succession of people, famous and not famous, appears, each speaking a segment of a larger inspirational message.

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Strikes and Gutters
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Strikes and Gutters

I got to talking to a good buddy of mine from back home in the states. We discussed the veritable range of conversation points: work, play, the lackluster performance the Horns put up against the Ags, and of course the inevitable flash point regarding the female species. Talk then moved on to the other struggles encountered in life. It hasn’t been all roses here on this side of the pond. There is the constant uncertainty regarding the immigration offices, the eternal frustrations involved in the job search and the overall frustrations involving income and companionship.

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See


A 24-year-old Army soldier from Houston was killed the day before Thanksgiving during combat in Iraq, the Department of Defense said Monday.Sgt. William B. Meeuwsen was one of two soldiers who died last Wednesday when their unit came under direct fire near Baghdad. The other soldier was identified as Staff Sgt. Aram J. Bass, 25, of Niagara Falls, N.Y.

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Digressions and Rebuttals

My old high school coach used to tell us: “Men, excuses are like @$$holes. Everyone’s got one and they all stink.” So instead of pointing fingers at the cause of my absence, let us rejoice in the return of the Prodigal Euro Web Site Guy and his witty reproitor and poor spelling.

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