
Weather: Yeah… about that. It was -18 degrees the other day: And that was as high as it got(!). MINUS 18 DEGREES!!! It’s the coldest it’s been in Germany in 60 years. I survived it by rocking it with the layers: socks, wool socks, boots, pj pants, jeans, boxers, an undershirt, a blue sweater, a brown wool sweater, a brown fleece, a jacket, a scarf, a hat, and one, at times two pairs of gloves. It took me about 30 mintues to get dressed and undressed. It was so cold that a beer I was drinking outside actually froze. I kid you not. Now THAT is cold.

CD: Anything that’s warm.

Things have been rocking and rolling and bumping and jumping ever since I made it back to Berlin topped off by a visit from Bret and Lee, one guy I didn’t know, the other I knew in passing, and they have really kept things going non-stop. They originally planned to stick around for about 3 days as they traversed Europe… one thing lead to another and they’re still here and will be though the weekend, knocking the grand total up to 8 days. It’s been great: we did the rock star thing with a Russian pop-rock-wave band, we met one of the most prominent artists in Berlin (he founded the East Side Gallery) and were entertained to a visit in in studio, and we taught the bartender down at the pub how to do the Two-Step. And those are just the passing items.

Berlin plays a soccer game against Hannover this Saturday. Following that is a party on the L-Bach Strasse that is sure to go deep in the night. All are invited. We’ll take care of the accomodations.




I have given up paying for football tickets.