Still Stay-ing the Course

Weather: 6 Degrees. Not bad you’d think (for December). Add in the pelting drizzle against the backdrop of a 40 km/h wind and conditions take on a whole new life.

CD: Mando Diao - Bring ‘em In

Book: Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand

The American Academy offered me a dream job on Monday. After a short interview, I was offered a position that would include heavy involvement in the organizing of Sandy Baker’s visit to Germany. Had I applied for the job a couple of months ago, I would have taken care of Condoleeza Rice’s itenerary while she was in Berlin. I was unable to accept the position however. It would seem as if the German government views me (an immigrant) as a threat to the German work-force and thus did not authorize the proper papers for me to work at the American Academy.

(me)—”Hello Mr. The Man, nice to meet you”

(The Man)—”You are nothing to me. And I still control you, just as I always will.”

(me)—”Have a nice day Mr. The Man.”

I’m going to create a superhero named SuperChad (a take-off of my Halloween costume circa 1983) who goes out and fights the good fight and destroys The Man whereever he sees fit. One of The Man’s chief henchmen will be The List. We all know The List. The List controls what The Man can only dream about controlling. Reason (or the lack-there-of).

Until I create my comic strip, I will continue my work with the children of Berlin and their over-eager mothers. The fight against The Man will not cease however. We shall stay the course and we shall prevail.


Fashionably Trendy but too Cool to Care


A Slave to the Man