Talk to Me

Weather: 0 Degrees. Grey. I’ve decided that I’m quite sick of the winter.

CD: DJ Squil

Pictures Updated Here:

Yes, the ball was marvelous darling, thank you for asking… That old thing? That suit was just something I had lying around but yes, I was thinking I was looking pretty good in it myself. I got myself primped up in the room, told the guy in the mirror that he was a pretty good looking guy, then ran downstairs to find that everyone else was wearing tuxedos… Well, what could I do? As Hilmar told me "it’s ok, you’re foreign" so I just played sidekick to James Bond for the evening… Of course I was the only one at the ball wearing a suit. In fact, one girl even so tactfully made me aware of that fact. I just love the German sense of honesty. Ehh… Ach, my date was a cow. She was 30 minutes late and certainly not worth the wait. I finally realized just how unattractive tardiness is. I’m always the one who is late so I’d never noticed it before. A good learning experience… I just didn’t have anything to say to her. Same from her to me. She wasn’t really that bad to tell you the truth, just not a match. We did dance together though. I guess tradition says you have to dance the first dance with your date. I’d like to think I pulled it off as well. No tripping on the toes. I didn’t even look down - held that eye gaze as much as possible… Yeah, Jan is one helluva teacher… So I just spent the rest of the evening drinking the wine, tasting the beer and pretending I knew what I was doing when I was on the dancefloor… Not so well but I think everyone was a bit too drunk to notice… We probably left sometime, well, I’m not even really sure to tell you the truth. Hilmar’s brother’s friend Otto, who happens to be a practicing doctor, dissapeared just as we were leaving. We figured he was a big boy and could take care of himself and we were tired so we got on our way without him… Yeah, he showed up again sometime around 9.00 the next morning and apparently was still wearing his tux, which was covered in dirt… Haha… I liked that kid as well… I was so tired the next morning. When we got back to the house, we talked with Hilmar’s parents until about 4.30 in the morning. Everyone wanted to know how the dates went… Well, Hilmar’s dad had a lady he already knew, so he was a bit dissapointed. Hilmar’s mom ended up with a friendly guy… Yes yes, of course the family was there. People of all ages were there. That’s what made it fun… Yeah, and as for Hilmar, from my perspective I thought things were working out pretty well. Turns out the girl had a boyfriend though… Yeah, sucks. What can you do?… The next morning Mrs. v. Oertzen had a full breakfast table laid out for us, and it wasn’t just us, she invited two other families as well. I just don’t know how she does it. She was as drunk as I was the night/(morning) before. By 10.00 that morning, she had a full table laid out. She even found the time to plant the flowers I gave her… That family is just incredible, one of the nicest families you could ever imagine… I know I’m an incredibly lucky kid. I can’t explain it either. It was quite the experience. It all is I s’pose…


Spiderman. Naked.


To the Ball dear....