Digressions and Rebuttals

Weather: Today was the warmest day in over a week and that’s because it never stopped snowing.

CD: Grandaddy - Sumday

My old high school coach used to tell us: “Men, excuses are like @$$holes. Everyone’s got one and they all stink.” So instead of pointing fingers at the cause of my absence, let us rejoice in the return of the Prodigal Euro Web Site Guy and his witty reproitor and poor spelling.

Several visitors welcomingly invaded my apartment the past week and I enjoyed every moment of it (other than having to listen to the horrible play of the Longhorns on the day after Thanksgiving). My cousin Dreher popped up on Friday and we wasted no time in getting down to business by meeting Clint Wood and a lady friend in Dresden on Saturday. We turned the evening into a Hall of Fame bar run which included highlights such as: Watzkes—> Bautzener Tor—> Lebowskis —> and the end-all, be-all, Hebeda’s, which once again stole my money, my time and my health, just as it’s always done before. At one point, Clint looked under the pool table (this was shortly before we wrestled on it) and saw the varying levels of smoke hovering in the pub.

The next day we wandered the city in a frigid, hungover haze, only after burning our clothes from the night before, which had been permantently innoculated with the smell of smoke and cheap bar. We admired the beauty of the city, then retreated back to Berlin in search of warmth and a sense of non-alcohol induced thought. We found neither but managed to enjoy the situation none-the-less.

Clint and his lady friend made their way to Copenhagen on Wednesday, leaving me to celebrate Thanksgiving with Dreher. Happy Thanksgiving by the way. My favorite holiday of all time. My life goal is this: I want to host a Thanksgiving feast with friends and family out in my castle (the one I’m going to build) situated in a gorgeous crevice of the Hill Country. There will be a field cleared away where the kids (and me) will be playing football. We will feast. Then travel to a stadium on the horizon and watch the Horns rock n roll the poor ags. When this dream comes to realization, then I have no doubts that all the other minor facets of life will also have been set in their right place. But I digress…

Dreher cooked up a ridiculously good Thanksgiving meal. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes. My roomates are still talking about it. We spent the rest of the days in Berlin together processing the food from turkey-day, then gorging our bellies with leftovers, only to bring us back to the previous step mentioned. All the while enjoying the occassional beer with the sites of Berlin, Berlin…

Now the visitors are gone and reality ensues. Job apps to process. It never ends…


