Spiderman. Naked.

Weather: I think it actually got up to about 4 degrees today. I still have a runny nose though — and no kleenex. I gave my last sheet away to Marc, a first grader who lost his tooth in the middle of class yesterday. I’ll be needing to wash my sleeves this weekend.

CD: Roy Orbison

Hope y’all had a better Valentine’s Day than this guy…Don’t be surprised to see his face at www.dontdatehimgirl.com. You can say you knew him when…!

And when do men get to add their two cents…? I can think of several stories that would roll off well on a dontdateherman.com website.

So what’s the story behind this guy? You tell me. The one with the best story wins a free beer (Sterni of course).


Light the Tower Orange!


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