
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Rusty and Pauline's Wedding: The End of the Wedding Trilogy

Rusty and Pauline's Wedding: The End of the Wedding Trilogy

Rusty and Pauline got married in upstate New York. Actually, at John Leguizamo's lake house near Rosendale, NY, to be exact. Because why not?This was the final act in the three week wedding odyssey. One final test for my liver. One final pad to the frequent flier account.I flew in to JFK Friday afternoon. I found myself getting much more excited than I had anticipated as we flew over the Jersey Shore. I looked out at Coney Island, then the vast expanse of green that makes up Greenwood Cemetery and Prospect Park. Home. The sound of the subway rattle. The crush of white black brown tan and every color in between. Finally, my stop. The only stop during this brief layover. Times Square. I guess I'm officially a tourist now.I met Rusty's friend Randy at the Beer Authority. After a quick beer, we got on the bus that would take us upstate. Randy would be my roommate and partner in crime for the next 48 hours, even despite the snores. We met up with our other housemates Drew and Clara, then settled in nicely to our little cottage in Rosendale.
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Born to Run

Born to Run

The surprising thing is how smoothly everything went. For a cross-continental move, what more could you ask?After 1891.7 grueling miles and $689.43 in gas money, I had arrived and almost completely intact. There was only one incident - I may have clipped mirrors with another truck on Canal Street. I guess that's what happens when you put a bike rider behind the wheel of a 16 foot truck.
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So this is how it all ends...
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

So this is how it all ends...

And suddenly, moving day was here. All the worries, all the sentimentality, in that last week, it all disappeared. Just like my time in New York.Interestingly, I didn't feel any pressure about checking something off the bucket list. I had been sure to take care of that during the last six months. Importance was really placed on seeing the people and things that had made an impact on me these last six years.
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Looking Back: Craigslist and the City
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Looking Back: Craigslist and the City

I moved to New York and I didn't know sh!t. No friends. No acquaintances. And not a clue as to how the City functioned.My possessions consisted of two suitcases, a backpack, and a 25 year old brain that thought  it was much more clever and experienced than it actually was. Thankfully included in that list of possessions was a job that would start just five days after arriving.Getting off the plane, I asked a group of three mid-20 year olds where a good place in Brooklyn was to live. They laughed at the absurdity of the question, then told me to avoid Williamsburg regardless of what people would say ("unless you like walking over trash everyday"). Park Slope was nice, but trending expensive. And with that advice, I was suddenly alone.
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One More Boot for the Road
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

One More Boot for the Road

In some ways, I felt it had all built up to that evening. Six years of living in New York. One final goodbye party. Had I overcome the challenges of growing old and living in the City and actually made relationships? I already knew the answer to that. It's nice to have that point you can hold on to though.And let's be honest: saying "it had all built up to that evening" is a bit dramatic. Sorry for going a bit strong on that one. There's a tinge of truth to the thought though. Just a tinge.
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Sandy, you bitch
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Sandy, you bitch

It wasn't that bad really. At least not in Brooklyn. Cesar and I were supposed to go to the Jets game. Given the dire predictions and closed subways, we decided to watch the game at Plan B. It was supposed to rain all afternoon, but didn't. After the Jets had lost and the Cowboys had won, I walked home without an umbrella.

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Hello Trenton.
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Hello Trenton.

Viva le Tour de Jersey! Two days, 90 miles, and a layover in the state capital, all on the (t)rusty Ross bike.After a short train ride to New Brunswick, the tour kicked off with a visit to the State University of New Jersey - Rutgers. Gotta admit, I wasn't expecting much, but Rutgers has a really nice campus. In fact, the parts that I visited reminded me of a northeast private school or, dare I say it, an Ivy League school.
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They Start 'em Young Out in Jersey
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

They Start 'em Young Out in Jersey

JUST as I took this picture of Hamilton Park in Jersey City, a kid, he couldn't have been more than about 5 years old, tripped while playing with his friend. As soon as his hand hit the ground, he mustered the loudest "FUCK YOU" that his lungs could handle. The entire park stopped and looked at this kid, even the hiphop kids gathered under the gazebo. He just sat there with a defiant look of fear, unsure of what he just did. I look at the kid and go "I'm not even allowed to say that". I look over at his dad and he just kinda smiles and throws up his arms like "what's a guy to do"?

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