Rusty and Pauline's Wedding: The End of the Wedding Trilogy


See the photo album!Rusty and Pauline got married in upstate New York. Actually, at John Leguizamo's lake house near Rosendale, NY, to be exact. Because why not?This was the final act in the three week wedding odyssey. One final test for my liver. One final pad to the frequent flier account.I flew in to JFK Friday afternoon. I found myself getting much more excited than I had anticipated as we flew over the Jersey Shore. I looked out at Coney Island, then the vast expanse of green that makes up Greenwood Cemetery and Prospect Park. Home. The sound of the subway rattle. The crush of white black brown tan and every color in between. Finally, my stop. The only stop during this brief layover. Times Square. I guess I'm officially a tourist now.Flying back to that Empire State of Mind. I met Rusty's friend Randy at the Beer Authority. After a quick beer, we got on the bus that would take us upstate. Randy would be my roommate and partner in crime for the next 48 hours, even despite the snores. We met up with our other housemates Drew and Clara, then settled in nicely to our little cottage in Rosendale.The festivities were nestled in the picturesque hills that make the Hudson Valley so popular. I couldn't help but think of all the trips I had taken there: Camping in Woodland Valley, Holly's surprise birthday, Woodstock, Beacon, Sleepy Hollow, biking, swimming in Peekamoose Blue Hole, Delaware Water Gap. I could go on. So many happy memories.The morning of the wedding, Rusty and Pauline organized a 5K fun run. Fitting for a couple that got engaged following the Brooklyn Marathon.It just doesn't get much better than the Hudson Valley.The ceremony/reception was quintessential R&P. The ceremony was held outdoors with the lake as the backdrop. An entertaining Rabbi presided, giving a sermon that actually could have been lengthened. Rusty broke the ceremonial Jewish glass (on the second try), and it was official. The touch of class extended to the dinner and toasts. Drinks were had and the dancing began. Rusty and Pauline were both thrown into the air while sitting on chairs, again according to Jewish tradition. Drinks continued to be consumed, and the class of the party slowly devolved into little sideshows that included lake swimming, paddle boating, and a campfire. A state trooper even stopped by to say hey, though didn't stay long. It was exactly how Rusty and Pauline would have drawn it up if they could have.The next afternoon was spent lounging by the pool, sharing stories and drinks. A perfect afternoon in the Catskills.I had one afternoon left to spend in Brooklyn, and spent it doing nothing less than my favorite thing: walking around the Borough. I was amazed at how immediate and familiar everything had remained. It was almost as if I had whitewashed the past 10 months from memory. Along the waterfront I checked out the new Brooklyn Bridge Park, then through Brooklyn Heights, down Bergen, and a quick check-up on the old digs. Up and down Vanderbilt I wandered, slowing down to catch up with RC, the guy who was always painting on the sidewalk. Tony was out and about as well. I swung by Holly's old place but only memories answered unfortunately. Back through the Heights to Fort Greene, where a few beers and the famous corn awaited me at Habana Outpost.It was such a refreshing walk. Such a refreshing trip. Such a refreshing couple of weeks. It was nice to smile again.Looking back at the City that was once mine. Good to see you again kid!See the photo album!


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