Ich stehe bis zum Hals in der Scheisse...

Weather: Effing Hot. 30 something degrees. And I love it…

CD: The Beatles - Abbey Road

aber der Ausblick ist gut!

The German Beaurocratic system is currently rocking my face. I thought I had a solid grasp of the situation until Friday afternoon grabbed me by the arm and quickly showed me who was in charge. To add to the mess, I never received a pack of important documents from back home, thus delaying my application for a visa (which runs out on 2. August) and keeping us from moving into our flat in Berlin. If things keep progressing at this rate, I’ll be slipping away to Poland for a week or two to escape the heat.

And speaking of heat, I got a nasty sunburn yesterday laying out by the pool amongst a throng of half naked girls. I wish they all could be East German girls…

I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be in Dresden. I’m homeless as of 7.45 am, Monday morning, then I’ll be shifting couches for as long as people put up with my mess until the deal in Berlin finally goes down. It’s been a very strange departure from the city. The goodbyes seem to lack that real emotional edge because, well, I’m still in Dresden. Also because I know a train ride from Berlin lasts less than two hours. It’s not the “Auf Wiedersehen” it was with the Boschies. More of a “till next time”. I did have a nice gathering of people on Thursday night high above the city, giving me a chance to formally depart. I’ve already seen a number of these kids again already though. It’s strange saying goodbye when you really haven’t left. Great, fantastic kids though. “Surround yourself with good people” — it’s one of those secrets of life. Somehow I’ve always managed to do that.


Just Rolling with the Punches


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