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Weather: Warmish. Sunnyish. Goodish.

CD: Champs Elysee

I was awoken this morning by four French girls singing “Champs Elysee” to me in an attempt to rouse me out of bed. Their method was surprisingly effective. To say that my life is amazing would be to cheapen the experience. This is an effect words were not created to describe. It must simply be felt.

The past weekend was the closing seminar for the Robert Bosch Tutor Program: an indulgence in alcohol and laughter. All the Boschies were there, the Russians, the Amis, the Czechs, the Poles and of course the French, and we celebrated the wonder that is our life.

The first night was a dance party of epic proportions. I missed the boat the next morning due to droopy eyes and a wobbley head and met up with the rest of the kids later at a farm for grilled meat, beer and songs by a fire (sung in just about any language you could imagine). Today concluded with “Pakkas” and “Au Revoirs” and “Bis zum naechsten Mal” and me helping girls pick out sport bras (“Shock Absorber”).

Our time together as a group was so short, but there was an intense flame keeping us all together. Absolutely amazing…

So my time in Dresden is quickly drawing to an end. I haven’t yet realized the magnamity of the events, nor have I really taken the future into consideration - until today, when I had to finally part with the Boschies. It was the first time in a while I’ve had to part from some amazing friendships without any regard for the future - just a hope and a dream.

I always said that after my time in Germany, I wanted to do a stint in South America. Now I’m not so sure. My heart can’t take it any more. The goodbyes just hurt too much.


Ich stehe bis zum Hals in der Scheisse...
