Just Rolling with the Punches

Weather: 20 degrees and cold. Remember that time I was wearing my jacket in August…? Ohh yeah, I think that was today.

CD: None. I’m homeless.

“The second best beer I’ve ever had” is how Keith described our refreshments the other night. That should count for something. He’s one of the few kids I’ve ever met who likes beer more than I do. We’d found ourselves in the cellar of a medieval castle which just happened to double as a brewery. As we enjoyed our frothy beverages, a minsteral was on hand to serenade us with dirty German drinking songs. It was a scene my Grandma would have loved. On the way home, I was awoken from my passed-out state by the German border patrol who had randomly pulled over our van. It’s a good thing I finally got that visa extended. The next day, Keith and I found ourselves standing by Bach’s grave in Leipzig. And yesterday I put him on a plane headed westbound. Chicago. His time here was up and with it I had to say goodbye to one of my best friends here in Dresden. It was a good run — “we did some damage” — but I know we’ll be seeing each other again. Hell, we may just end up starting up our own brewery together.

I’d say that all things must come to an end but that would be contradicting my present situation. I’m still in Dresden. STILL. Didn’t I have my goodbye gathering over a week ago?!?I was supposed to move to Berlin on the 1st. Then life happened. So I hung out on Keith’s floor for a few days. He moved on and I’m still on that patch of floor. His roomate seems cool with the situation and is the German speaking equivalent of Kramer. The people you meet…

So I continue to keep fighting. This move to Berlin has got to be one of the most difficult things I have ever done. Several times I have considered giving it up — it just wears you down. Last week as I was packing my things I found a book my sister had given me with a quote from Thoreau on the cover: “Go in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined!” And with that I found a new reserve of energy and kept fighting. I don’t lose.

I slayed the monster known as German Beaurocracy that next day and after cold sweats and sweet talks managed to land my Aufenthaltsbescheinigung (how’s that for a good German word?). Basically that means I’m allowed to stay in the country for three months. In that time I must find a job…. or else I’ll be watching the end of football season on my parents couch. Keep those fingers crossed.

I’m ready to move on from Dresden though. Right now I’m stuck here living on borrowed time. Floating. Drifting. My life is simply unable to continue further. Everything is packed, money is budgeted, I’ve said my goodbyes and I can do little more than wait for the time to pass. I’m stuck in my waiting place…And I want out.

Hey Keith, your shoes are still hanging from that power line.


Off to See the Wizard


Ich stehe bis zum Hals in der Scheisse...