
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Hilmar & Sonja: Happily Ever After

Hilmar & Sonja: Happily Ever After

When I moved from Berlin to New York in 2007, I asked my good friend Hilmar to look after my (then-) girlfriend Sonja. She had just moved to Berlin and didn't know many people. "Give her a call every-once-in-a-while and invite her out with everyone," I told him. Little did I know that he intended to look after her for the rest of his life. I couldn't be happier.Hilmar and Sonja got married in the most storybook of weddings. The ceremony took place in an 800 year old church that shared a past with his family lineage. The reception was held just down the hill and past the pond on the grounds of Palace Rattey. All that was missing was a Fairy Godmother.It was a youthful, intimate affair, filled with so many of the people who have unknowingly changed my life immensely. Some I have known for nearly half my life. Others, like my top-bunk bed roommate Daniel von Marzahn, I had only met that weekend. I also (finally) got to meet Sonja's family - and I'm on informal terms with them speaking-wise. That's a big deal... I think.
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Adventures in Mecklenburg
2013: Austin See 2013: Austin See

Adventures in Mecklenburg

Time was short unfortunately. With a only a week in Germany, there wasn't a lot of time to get lost. I like to think I was able to hold my own though. With Meck-Pom being the location of the wedding, I took advantage of the exotic locale and hit up some nearby attractions.I missed my chance to visit Rostock back in 2005 when I was a tutor in Dresden. A fellow tutor, Jason, regaled me with tales of the former East German coastal down, leaving little doubt as to whether I would visit, only when. Wenn nicht jetzt, wann denn?The walk from the train station to the town passed through a charming section of refurbished villas and the all-too-common East German trappings of just a touch too much silence.
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Das ist die Berliner Luft

Das ist die Berliner Luft

Like a breath of fresh air.After everything that's happened this past year, it was the streets of Berlin that, once again, made me smile. Imagine that, finding positivity in the land of the Germans.It was a short three days in the Hauptstadt before traveling up to Mecklenburg for Hilmar and Sonja's wedding. I crashed with Jeff in my old neighborhood of Friedrichshain, finally repaying him for his many visits to Brooklyn.The 'hood had certainly changed since I left it in January 2007: The scars of communism have been healed, the part-time punks grew up and got jobs and bought nicer things and had kids. But still, there was a certain energy on the streets. People were everywhere, but not in a claustrophobic sense. At night, the cafes spilled into the sidewalks and neighbors met in the parks.
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2013: Austin See 2013: Austin See


Do-overs. They don't come around often in this life. So when they do, you take full advantage of them.There's part of me that views my move back to Austin in this light: a chance to go back and do all the things you missed the first time around. As a 21 year old, I was often too insecure, too drunk, or too wet behind the ears to really take advantage of the city around me. It's happened to us all. That's why we grow up.
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2013: Austin See 2013: Austin See

I was promised a desert!

"You can see your breath in the back room." Holly came out of the room where she keeps her clothes. It was cold, absolutely, but I thought she was exaggerating. I sorta shrugged my shoulders, then slipped back to check it out. I let out a couple of breaths. Sure enough, she was right.

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Born to Run

Born to Run

The surprising thing is how smoothly everything went. For a cross-continental move, what more could you ask?After 1891.7 grueling miles and $689.43 in gas money, I had arrived and almost completely intact. There was only one incident - I may have clipped mirrors with another truck on Canal Street. I guess that's what happens when you put a bike rider behind the wheel of a 16 foot truck.
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So this is how it all ends...
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

So this is how it all ends...

And suddenly, moving day was here. All the worries, all the sentimentality, in that last week, it all disappeared. Just like my time in New York.Interestingly, I didn't feel any pressure about checking something off the bucket list. I had been sure to take care of that during the last six months. Importance was really placed on seeing the people and things that had made an impact on me these last six years.
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Looking Back: Craigslist and the City
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Looking Back: Craigslist and the City

I moved to New York and I didn't know sh!t. No friends. No acquaintances. And not a clue as to how the City functioned.My possessions consisted of two suitcases, a backpack, and a 25 year old brain that thought  it was much more clever and experienced than it actually was. Thankfully included in that list of possessions was a job that would start just five days after arriving.Getting off the plane, I asked a group of three mid-20 year olds where a good place in Brooklyn was to live. They laughed at the absurdity of the question, then told me to avoid Williamsburg regardless of what people would say ("unless you like walking over trash everyday"). Park Slope was nice, but trending expensive. And with that advice, I was suddenly alone.
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One More Boot for the Road
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

One More Boot for the Road

In some ways, I felt it had all built up to that evening. Six years of living in New York. One final goodbye party. Had I overcome the challenges of growing old and living in the City and actually made relationships? I already knew the answer to that. It's nice to have that point you can hold on to though.And let's be honest: saying "it had all built up to that evening" is a bit dramatic. Sorry for going a bit strong on that one. There's a tinge of truth to the thought though. Just a tinge.
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Sandy, you bitch
2007-2012: Brooklyn See 2007-2012: Brooklyn See

Sandy, you bitch

It wasn't that bad really. At least not in Brooklyn. Cesar and I were supposed to go to the Jets game. Given the dire predictions and closed subways, we decided to watch the game at Plan B. It was supposed to rain all afternoon, but didn't. After the Jets had lost and the Cowboys had won, I walked home without an umbrella.

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