I was promised a desert!

"You can see your breath in the back room." Holly came out of the room where she keeps her clothes. It was cold, absolutely, but I thought she was exaggerating. I sorta shrugged my shoulders, then slipped back to check it out. I let out a couple of breaths. Sure enough, she was right.

It probably wouldn't be so bad if our house was properly insulated .Unfortunately, it's not. Gaps in the windows, wood siding... I'm already scared to death of the summer. If we can't keep this place warm, how are we ever going to get it cool?! Now we somewhat understand why the landlord plans on tearing down the place in a few years.

Until that happens, we huddle in our wool sweaters around the electric space heaters that seem to do little more than ratchet up our electric bills. We also bought a thermometer - while our back room hovers around 40-45 degrees, we can often get our living room up to 65! Man, I miss New York winters...!


Ain't Wasting Time No More


Settling In to La Casa de Nueces