You Can't Win Them All...

Weather: I went outside without my scarf for the first time in about 5 months yesterday. It was a good day.

CD: The Queers

It was inevitable. They lost a game. A University of Texas sports team did not win the final game of the season. It’s an odd feeling as a Longhorn fan: losing. I don’t like it but it’s hard to complain. In the past 10 months, Texas has won 4 National Championships.

I watched the game at the friendly local watering hole Salama’s. Another Texas Ex was there in attendence, a light hearted kid from Chicago who filled the “interesting” scene with witty comments and a friendly smile. At one point, a drunk male patron bought him a rose. I laughed as he politely took the rose, stuck it behind his ear and even posed for a picture with the drunk. So much negativity could have come out of the situation. He laughed about it, then ordered another beer. Gotta love that Midwest heart.

The bartender at Salama’s, Garfield, was also quick to remind us that today was Daylight Savings. I just lost another hour of my life. And there’s nothing I can do about it… So it goes.


Zittau, Here I Come


We're Sinking!!!