The Piper Wedding: Putting the Marriage at Cana to Shame


See the photo album!Three weddings in three weeks. I was quickly becoming an expert in witty wedding banter.Up next was the Piper wedding in Houston. Travis finally managed to close the deal after 25 years of courtship. It's not a race, right?!Amazingly, Travis and I have known each other for nearly half our lives. We were potluck suitemates in the dorm freshman year. Since then, we've grown to know each other's families and friends, whether through stories told or late evening beer runs. I may only see his high school crew once every couple of years, but when I do, we can pick up immediately. There's something special about that.Travis with this best man Justin. "So wait, you mean the courtship to your wife didn't last two and a half decades?!"The ceremony was beautiful of course. It was a large-ish, Catholic wedding, which contrasted nicely with the other weddings in my three-pack: a small European wedding and an upstate New York Jewish wedding. With so much variety, I've really appreciated the little touches of personality that have given each wedding it's character.The Piper wedding included a reading of the Marriage at Cana, giving us all a healthy dose of biblical inspiration and a precursor of things to come. The bride and groom also shared possibly the best first dance number I've heard - I've Been Loving You Too Long by Otis Redding. Well played guys!Of course, there have been some things you learn to avoid as well. I learned to never allow two wedding coordinators to occupy the same space at the same time, especially when one of the may or may not be related to Eva Braun.As an usher alongside Will, we were at Frau Braun's incomprehensible mercy as she barked orders no one really understood. Even as I held the open the door for the freshly married Mr. and Mrs. Piper, I was receiving orders whispered in my ear. I winked at Jenny with a smile as they made their exit. How could you not laugh?!The reception, post-reception, and post-post-reception were exactly what you would imagine. Friend, laughter, dancing, and a little more wine than even the Marriage at Cana could have provided.Congratulations guys!See the photo album!


Rusty and Pauline's Wedding: The End of the Wedding Trilogy


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