The Lady-Friend.

Weather: Hasn’t changed in a month and a half…

CD: David Bowie

On the Nightstand: Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod

I finally made it down to Würzburg last weekend. I’ve been meaning to visit the Fränkish town for years: ever since I heard my German Professor from the University talk about a “gemütlich” Beergarden sitting along the river my interests had been piqued. While a visit to a Beergarden is as commendable reason as any to visit a city, as far as I’m concerned, there happened to be a slightly larger draw pulling me towards the town. And in Würzburg’s case, it wasn’t the two wine fests that were intoxicating the hills surrounding the city at the time, nor was it the beautiful Tiepolo fresco adorning the Palace ceiling, though worthy features in their own right. This time it was a girl named Sonja.

Sonja and I met at the base of the Bergfest in Erlangen. Or rather should I say Dave and Sonja met at the base of the fest. Then I met Sonja. Then we shared a romantic ches-bur-ger at the local Burger King and the rest… yes…Würzburg treated us well. It also allowed us a few side-trips. A little ways down the road brought us to Party-City Bad Windsheim and a visit with Jeff. His hospitality once again exceeded any expectations while Bad Windsheim lived up to its title as “Party City”. After crashing at Jeff’s place, the southern winds carried us down to Rothenburg an der Taube, the only town in Germany still retaining its city walls.

And then… I had to rush back to Berlin to teach an English course. Gaffes in the train system however left me stressing in Würzburg without a way back to Berlin. I made some phone calls, Sonja ran off to the bathroom and to my pleasant surprise, came back carrying a cold beer for me and my nerves just as I was putting down the receiver. A woman after my own heart I tell you! In the end, I made it back to Berlin in one piece, though I still curse (scheiß)-Deutsche Bahn!

Sonja will be doing an internship in Berlin in the time coming up. I could be more excited for her than she is.


I Took a Week Off


The World's Largest Underwear Party