Some People Call Me...

In the CD player: Elvis Costello

Weather: I’ve been doing a lot of sweating recently. The first thing I do when I get into my apartment is strip down to my drawers. That should put it all into perspective.

On the Nightstand: High Fidelity by Nick Hornby. It doesn’t get much better than that.

We were watching the Brazil - Croatia game the other day and got to talking about how some soccer players are too cool for first AND last names. Not only do they shirk their full names, but they also get to choose their own new one-name names. And this new name is accepted everywhere. Credit Card companies, FIFA, driver’s license.

Jan and I decided that we are just as cool as these soccer players (if not a touch cooler) so we’ve adopted our own new names for the remainder of the World Cup. Jan will now be referred to as Maverickinho. And I: Triggerinho.

I’m still waiting for my paperwork to clear through the government.


Headed Southbound


The Boys are Back in Town