See You Soon, Dublin.

This is happening.I keep telling myself that but it hasn’t really sunk in. Work is sending me to Dublin on a three to six month assignment. Dublin, Ireland.Details have come at a frustratingly slow pace. I’m not stressed though, surprisingly. Instead of getting wrapped up in things I can’t control, I’m going to sit back and let the fates direct me where they may.So what do we know:I’m headed over there with my colleague Brian and couldn’t image a better co-worker to have on the journey. We were supposed to be roommates, but now we’ll have our own places. We’ll be there for three to six months, depending on the project and how everyone is feeling about the situation.And that's about it.Rightside, the company I work for, will take care of the rest. Where I'll be living, when I'll be leaving, these details are above my pay grade. We’re supposed to leave sometime this weekend – Friday? Saturday? So I imagine I’ll know everything for sure by Sunday.Like I said: no stress. We’ll get there.




The Genetics of a Road Trip