The Genetics of a Road Trip


Bar-be-que, Texas history, and the open road. Dad and I were out to celebrate his birthday as this father-son duo would do best: with a mini road trip.The destination was Presidio La Bahia in Goliad, but as with all good road trips, it was the journey that was the destination. As the wheels carried us past the concrete plains of Houston, we shared stories of past lives, both good and bad. The moral of all the stories, regardless of what happened, everything has a way of working out in the end.Getting ready for some BBQ at Mumphord's!Victoria was on the horizon, meaning a trip to Mumphord’s BBQ. Dad and I have a tradition of visiting the best BBQ joints in Texas, and this one didn’t disappoint. As amazing as those ribs were though, it was the tour of the smokehouse that really sealed the deal. Open fires and massive smokers and a good amount of B.S. filled the area. We asked one guy how long he smoked the meats. “Till it’s done,” he shot back with a heavy laugh.Keeping "Big Boy" warm. "Cook it till it's done!"Goliad was next. We would be spending the night in the Officer’s Quarters of the Presidio La Bahia. The Presidio is a massive, 300 year old fort, that served as a crucial battle site in the Texas War of Independence. The Officer’s Quarters had been transformed into a two-bedroom apartment, though retains much of the character of bygone eras with two-foot thick walls and an aromatic fireplace.Sunset was on the horizon. We grabbed some chairs, a couple of beers, and set up on the old fort ramparts. The chapel bells chimed, as they would again, and again, and again. Conversation flowed as we chatted about everything and nothing all at the same time.Presidio la Bahia: Our accommodations for the evening.The stars were out in full-force that evening. Dad went to bed. I grabbed a beer and walked around the courtyard, looking up at the stars, all those stars. No ghosts though. At least none that I saw.Morning came and after a walk about the fort, we slowly made our way back to Houston. In need of the ever-important mid-road-trip sustenance, we made a quick stop. Dad got his Corn Nuts. I got my Combos and Dr Pepper. Outlaw radio played, Houston was on the horizon, and we carried on without much of a care in the world.Gotta love life on the open road. Thanks for teaching me how to do it right Dad!


See You Soon, Dublin.


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