
Weather: Not sure, I haven’t been outside yet. Looks kinda Communistic though…

CD: White Stripes

365 days ago my heart was in my throat. I couldn’t think, didn’t have much time for sleep; just put one foot in front of the other and it brought me to Germany. I didn’t have a clue as to what would happen after that, but I knew everything would be different.

Depression greeted me upon my arrival in Dresden. A harsh winter captured my soul and held it hostage. The spring eventually broke through and brought a sense of life to my withering neighborhood of socialist relics. Walking through these graveyards, I managed to find a bit of life as well. Gradually I picked myself up. With the onslaught of summer came an onslaught of laughter.

Stresses, frustrations, a system so large it seems to float on paperwork conspired to entrap me once again. I followed a dream and moved to Berlin. I arrived with 45 cents in pocket and no idea how I was going to better that situation. Slowly though, things are beginning to fall into place but life continues on its difficult pace. Should I expect differently? I am an immigrant. These difficulties are what I always wanted though, aren’t they?

I spent my year anniversary in Germany with several groups of children who joined me in conversation with a puppet on my hand (Rocky the Raccoon). I was so hoarse from sickness that Rocky had suddenly turned into the Keith Richards of handpuppets. And I just had to smile.

I’m making it. Slowly, roughly… Everything is going to be alright. Out on my own—I’m gonna make it…


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