Fried Twinkies

Weather: A beautiful, cloudless fall day

CD: Jerry Jeff Walker

I helped host a visit from "The Flying Longhorns" last week. This is a group of Texas Exes innundating the cities of the globe spreading the good word that is Texas. The 25 of us settled into our places for lunch. I looked around and couldn’t help but notice that, aside from the fellow Berliner Texas Exes, I was the youngest person at the table by about six dog years. I can handle these situations though. I get along well with "the elderly".

I made sure to sit next to the guy wearing the cowboy hat. He seemed to have the most stories to tell. His wife kicked things off: "And… have you already been able to find a Methodist church here in the city?" Err….umm…. yeah….No no… it was actually nice though. We talked about how the Turks made up one helluva fighting batallion in Ko-rea. Then we got talking football. Apparently OU has sucked for quite a while now. And I even met one guy who used to play the Tower bells during lunch.

By the end of the meal I’d made a contact and plan to teach a local’s children a bit of English on the side. It’s all starting to come together.

In other developments: It’s UT/OU weekend this weekend. I honestly had a dream about it last night. Can you imagine the trash I’d be talking if I was actually in Texas? For those who are there— Will somebody please please please take a picture of the inside of the stadium? And eat a fried twinkie for me (and what’s this I hear about fried strawberries? Could it be true…? Details people. I need details).


A Real Fan

