I've found where God hides Heaven (and it's called Dubrovnik)

Weather: I’ve followed a nasty front through all of Europe. And I thought it only rained in Berlin…

CD: Whatever the crazy Russian lady driver would let us listen to

Berlin -> Vienna 8.5 hours

Vienna -> Budapest 3.5 hours

Budapest -> Zagreb 7.5 hours

Zagreb -> Split 8 hours

Split -> Dubrovnik 5 hours

And with that, after trains, buses and hitchhikes, I finally reached the much anticipated Croatian coastline and the Pearl of the Adriatic, Dubrovnik.

After hitchhiking in the cramped backseat of an angry Russia’s European attempt at an SUV, I reached Vienna, where I hitched a ride with a Hungarian whose levels of politeness reminded me of the oft-missed Southern virtues of America. We cruised through the empty plains of Hungary into the southern parts of Budapest where paved roads were still a luxurious part of life. The driver then offered me valet-door service by taking me directly to Tomi’s front door, my former roomate from Dresden, where I would spend the next two evenings. With an evening of beer and gyros behind us, we ventured into the city the next day to see the glorious sights of Hungary. Four years ago I made my way through these city walls, but with this adventure I was much more impressed with the grandious features of the settlement, especially the Bascillica and St Mathais church. This all added to the friendship and hospitality given by Tomi and his girlfriend and the wonderful food and wine that accompanied that. After wandering though the city one last time, I jumped on a train headed to Croatia and finally arrived in Dubrovnik on Thursday exhausted but exhilirated with the thrill of travelling.

Immediately upon exiting the bus, I was accosted by about 8 old ladies offering their flats in an around the city for my personal use. Initally I declined, deciding to instead reside in the local hostel (with a better chance of meeting people). I started the trek into the city and asked myself... “what…”. I was in Dubrovnik… and it took me many-an-hour to get here. If we were gonna do things, we were gonna to things right. I marched myself back into the herd of ladies and asked for a room in the Old City. A few ladies presented themselves. I pitched themselves against each other and eventually ended up with a room with a proverbial stones throw away from the central Cathedral. As my daddy always told me, you get what you pay for, and this was the cheapest of the available rooms in the city. I thus spent the next afternoon washing the floors and cleaning the associated areas, a fact I’m sure will make my roomates jealous as it’s an art I don’t even practice in the confines of my own home (which should tell you either a) how truly dirty the apt was or b) how German I’ve become). The city is beautiful though… walking through it the first time brough tears to my eyes and a shiver down my spine. I’ve even considered moving here, which isn’t such a far-out thought considering my trackrecord. Come visit me (Jeff and Hilmar)… I’m in need of a wingman!


Viva la Croatie!!!


In Search of Paradise