In Search of Paradise

Weather: Who cares… as long as it’s sunny in Croatia

CD: I burned the Beatles White Album for the kids I privately tutor. Apparently the 8 year old has taken a particular liking to the song “Ob-la-di Ob-la-da” and has been sure to remind his family of his enjoyment of the song by singing it at every opportunity available. The family would be happy to never hear the song again. That made me laugh.

“Anyone seeking Pardise on Earth should come to Dubrovnik” - George Bernard Shaw

Well Mr. Shaw, it just so happens that I am seeking paradise on Earth and have decided to take you up on your suggestion. I have a two week holiday from work and will be on my way to the Balkans in about 3 hours (6.00 in the am), with a hitchhike opportunity from Berlin to Vienna. Hopefully I’ll get to Vienna in time to catch another ride to Budapest, where I’ll spend a couple of evenings with Tomi, my old roomate from Dresden. After some laughs I’ll get back on the road headed southbound. Along the way I’d like to get lost in Dubrovnik, Split, Sarajevo and all the other little places that will suck me in and try their hardest to not let go. This is a trip I’ve been wanting to take for years and words couldn’t describe the excitement that’s been built up the past couple of days. With any luck I’ll be able to trade in this North European tan for a Mediterranean tan on one of the islands in the “Pearl of the Adriatic”.


I've found where God hides Heaven (and it's called Dubrovnik)


Berlin, Berlin (So Nice You Gotta Say It Twice)