I laughed till I got tears in my eyes. Then I laughed some more.

Weather: Much needed rain. Finally this pollen is being washed away.

CD: I feel really lame for only NOW getting into the Old 97’s.

Chance, Teresa (affably known as “Cheresa”) and Ian, Chance’s good friend from Nashville (affably known as ‘Nash’ll’), rolled into Berlin for a 36 hour stint this weekend—all part of the grand break from reality, whatever reality may now be. The honeymooners are in the midst of an around-the-world tour while Ian set a wise precedent by dropping his job and hitting the road, or as Mathew McConoghay would say “L-I-V-I-N”.

We didn’t do too much and I enjoyed every second of it. Mainly I’d say we sat around, had a few beers, chewed the fat and laughed alot. I was so excited to have them in town though. I’ve managed to really surround myself with some amazing people.

We also had a Rose Bowl viewing party. I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of watching that.

The kids rolled out this morning headed for the Dutch/Belgium life, only to return within the next couple of days to help me welcome the arrival of Nate, Dave and Clint. The time just can’t get here fast enough!


11 Hours till the Boys Arrive


The F Word