
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

2013: Austin See 2013: Austin See

I was promised a desert!

"You can see your breath in the back room." Holly came out of the room where she keeps her clothes. It was cold, absolutely, but I thought she was exaggerating. I sorta shrugged my shoulders, then slipped back to check it out. I let out a couple of breaths. Sure enough, she was right.

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Born to Run

Born to Run

The surprising thing is how smoothly everything went. For a cross-continental move, what more could you ask?After 1891.7 grueling miles and $689.43 in gas money, I had arrived and almost completely intact. There was only one incident - I may have clipped mirrors with another truck on Canal Street. I guess that's what happens when you put a bike rider behind the wheel of a 16 foot truck.
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Party at the Hole!!!

Party at the Hole!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2005 — I will be living the good life once again in the Republic of Texas.What better way to reacclimate myself to the greatest city in the world than by throwing a little bash at the Hole. You need to be there… the invariable be there or be square party call.Let the beer flow like water and the liquor flow like beer…Let’s try to roll into high gear around 10:30-11:00 pm.See you then!

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