
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

World Cup Homecoming in Berlin

World Cup Homecoming in Berlin

It was a homecoming of sorts. Round two of the World Cup journeys brought me back to Berlin, where the boys would be gathering once again. Hilmar, Matti, Matthias, and Muemmel. Jeff and Will would be there too. As would all the rest.Hard to believe it had been eight years since I left. Eight years. So long ago, so much has happened in between, but it seems like just yesterday.As we wandered the streets, I'd catch myself thinking, "Wow! This used to be home. This was once mine." I'd worked so hard for it.It felt good coming home.
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Hilmar & Sonja: Happily Ever After

Hilmar & Sonja: Happily Ever After

When I moved from Berlin to New York in 2007, I asked my good friend Hilmar to look after my (then-) girlfriend Sonja. She had just moved to Berlin and didn't know many people. "Give her a call every-once-in-a-while and invite her out with everyone," I told him. Little did I know that he intended to look after her for the rest of his life. I couldn't be happier.Hilmar and Sonja got married in the most storybook of weddings. The ceremony took place in an 800 year old church that shared a past with his family lineage. The reception was held just down the hill and past the pond on the grounds of Palace Rattey. All that was missing was a Fairy Godmother.It was a youthful, intimate affair, filled with so many of the people who have unknowingly changed my life immensely. Some I have known for nearly half my life. Others, like my top-bunk bed roommate Daniel von Marzahn, I had only met that weekend. I also (finally) got to meet Sonja's family - and I'm on informal terms with them speaking-wise. That's a big deal... I think.
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Das ist die Berliner Luft

Das ist die Berliner Luft

Like a breath of fresh air.After everything that's happened this past year, it was the streets of Berlin that, once again, made me smile. Imagine that, finding positivity in the land of the Germans.It was a short three days in the Hauptstadt before traveling up to Mecklenburg for Hilmar and Sonja's wedding. I crashed with Jeff in my old neighborhood of Friedrichshain, finally repaying him for his many visits to Brooklyn.The 'hood had certainly changed since I left it in January 2007: The scars of communism have been healed, the part-time punks grew up and got jobs and bought nicer things and had kids. But still, there was a certain energy on the streets. People were everywhere, but not in a claustrophobic sense. At night, the cafes spilled into the sidewalks and neighbors met in the parks.
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Till Next Time
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Till Next Time

Only I could get teary-eyed saying goodbye to my bartender. But Ulla was more that that… she was like a German mother to me. Everyday, coming in or out of the apartment, she’d be there with a smile on her face, making sure that life was treating me as it should. One of the perks of living on top of a pub.

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2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See


Yes, those are real human skulls behind me. They once held real mouths with real tongues that could taste and taunt and maybe there were green eyes or brown eyes or steele blue eyes in those sockets and behind it all each one of those skulls protected a human brain that once elicited emotions and thoughts and dreams and desires and at no point in the afternoon did I consider any of these possibilities: I was too drawn in to the anatomical wonder of the human body and the process of plastinazation that was going on around me.

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Happy New Year!

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… Happy New Year!” The steward shuffled down the aisles of the plane, his fingers prancing in the air, as the captain welcomed us into the year 2007. I tipped beverage cans with Tiffany, a friendly looking Nebraska girl on her way to visit her German boyfriend. I warned her of the German peculiarities I myself had slowly begun to pick-up; we then delved into the strangely normal travelling behavior of exposuring our personal fears and joys and sorrows. Another beer, another story, and I retired to one of the back seats of the plane to lay out and get some shut eye.

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Advent Advent
2005-2006: Berlin See 2005-2006: Berlin See

Advent Advent

Somewhere between then and now I got sick. As in, I-never-knew-my-body-could-produce-so-much-mucus kinda sick. It’s the dangdest thing too — I mean, aside from the seven hours I spent outside in the cold rain on Saturday, the 6 a.m. bedtime Saturday “evening”, the 9 a.m. wake-up call on Sunday to be back out in the cold for another eight hours, all topped off with a train ride that should have only lasted 3 hours, but instead dragged out into a 12 hour, 70€ all-night-odyssee after I fell asleep on the short stretch between Dresden and Leipzig and woke up 3 hours out of the way just outside of Weimar, I’ve been taking really good care of my body.

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