Word of the Day

The events in the past two days reconfirmed my already steady banks of knowledge concerning anything involving Oklahoma and the subject of cheating. I gotta admit… when I first read the article on Bomar’s dismissal from the OU football team, I had one, big, shit eating grin on my face.

Then I realized that we weren’t going to have the opportunity to bust the hell outta that lil punk for the next 3 years while giving him a measurable amount of hell those okies gave Simms every year… and I got a little dissapointed (albeit probably not as dissapointed as Brian Robison or Sergio Kindle).

But that big ol shit eating grin is still there on my face.

ehhh…. f ‘em.



The Wild Wild East (or How I Lugged a Backpackful of Dirty Clothes Through Eastern Europe)


Let's Do The Dang Thing!