TV Made a Star of Me

Weather: Same as the last time

CD: Against All Odds from the Postal Service is amazing

Ok my German Senors y Senoritas, I’m gonna ask you to divert your attention away from the computer screen right now and towards the television - a television featuring the news channel N24 works best.

Now look for the kid walking out of Humboldt Universität being attacked by a news anchor woman with questions regarding tuition fees in German universities. Notice his deer-caught-in-the-headlights eyes while he offers no concrete acceptance to the advances.

Watch the kid mumble through the interview, then pause briefly in thought when asked “Wo kommen Sie her?”. The big smile, the slow cocky drawl: “Texas”.

The incoherent mumbles continue.

You are now free to turn your attention elsewhere.


Let's Do This.


A Real Fan