This Is Your Life

Weather: Jacket at night. No jacket during the day. Not a cloud in the sky…

CD: Elvis Costello

“Why do we have to learn English?”

“Because your mama wants you to be very smart and successful when you grow up.” Hardly the appropriate answer to a three year olds questions regarding English class. I usually let Rocky, my raccoon hand puppet, field this question:

“Well kids, Chad and I come from Texas and Texas is in Ameerrrica and there are LOTS of kids there with LOTS of toys and there are cowboys! there and Indians! and HORSES!! and they alllll want to play with you but they only speak English !and even the HORSES!! only speak English and they really want to play with you and that’s why we have to learn English!”

Chad Robertson: This is your life.

I was forced to take this job, Children’s English Teacher. My visa application was hanging on my back like a twisted monkey and without a job, I was going to be packing those bags before I knew it. This was the first offer I got. I took it. One more entry into life’s resume, right?

It started off as the hardest job I’ve ever had in my life. No exageration. I hated every second I was in a class with those little monsters. But a funny thing happened to me today during class. I smiled. This kid, Malte, I just had to laugh almost. Come Wednesday afternoon, when again confronted with Isabella (that little monster), I might change my mind, but I talked to her Mom two weeks ago and I have a feeling the situation got straightened up.

So we’re getting by. I’m still looking for the next opportunity, hopefully a career change sometime around Christmas. But until then, I think I’m going to try to smile a little more.


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Yeah Yeah...