Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh

Weather: I went sledding the other day, hit a bump, fell off my sled and haven’t been able to feel my rear side since. The kids thought it was really funny.

CD: Mates of State

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to Elias.

This mischievious little muck-maker is one of the five-year-olds from my Friday classes. Recently we’ve been learning articles of clothing, and with my attention turned to a crying four-year-old (she had fallen out of her chair), Elias snuck behind the table and found my bag of shirts, pants and scarfs. As I was looking for a kleenex to dry the tears of little Hannah, the other kids in the class kept yelling "look at Elias…. (giggle) Elias…" met with my "just a second…" of a reply. I turned around to see Elias slip into his seat wearing the oversized clothes from my bag. Our eyes met and neither of us knew what to think. He wasn’t sure if what he did would get him in trouble (my dog used to give me that look all the time) and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

I never really saw my life tramping down this path but I can’t complain. Usually I just have to stare in wonder at my surroundings. Then laugh a good hearty laugh. There’s not much more you can do.


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